Ergosign Webinar | 25. April 2024An introduction to Product-Led Growth and UX

Illustration mit zwei Figuren, die an einem Screen  mit einer Rakete darauf arbeiten.

Unlock the potential of PLG for your business with a concise introduction to its principles and the role of UX in driving growth.

In this 45-minute session, we aim to provide a clear overview of Product-Led Growth (PLG) and its significance in today's business landscape. We'll discuss how a focus on UX within the PLG framework can contribute to better user engagement and overall business success.

Understand the basics of the time-to-value (TTV) concept and its impact on user activation and retention. We'll also touch upon a startup case study to illustrate how to approach PLG with a focus on design and UX, highlighting some common challenges and considerations.

Join us on April 25, 2024, for a practical introduction to leveraging PLG and UX for your business's advantage. This session will be conducted in English and is designed to equip you with foundational knowledge and strategies to explore PLG further.

Register now for the free webinar "An introduction to Product-Led Growth and UX"

April 25, 2024, from 09:30 to 10:15 a.m.

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Webinar "An Introduction to Product-Led Growth and UX"

Who is the webinar interesting for?

Discover how UX professionals can contribute to the success of PLG initiatives through a user-centered design approach.

The webinar is aimed at marketing and sales professionals, as well as product owners and management from companies of various sizes.

Whether you're from a small startup or a mid-sized corporation, this session is beneficial for diverse industries, especially SAAS companies or businesses seeking transformation into PLG.

Two women working on a document together on a laptop.

Your webinar speakers

David Detzler has over 20 years of experience in the Digital Design field, specializing in UX Design since 2005. As UX Director and Head of Site in Berlin, he leads a team of 20 UX specialists. His extensive operational and managerial experiences ensure valuable insights for the webinar.

Francisco Nogueira brings 13 years of expertise in design and the art world. With a creative approach and a deep understanding of businesses and clients, he crafts impactful solutions that resonate with diverse audiences. Francisco collaborates closely with stakeholders to deliver exceptional UX outcomes.

David and Francisco in a meeting.