MobilitySustainability drives the mobility sector — with the mobile being its enabler.

Man standing next to his e-sccouter and operating his smartphone.

Scooters, bikes and car sharing

Start-ups increasingly spread their new vehicles across the city centers, offering easy accessible mobility for many tastes.

For the ever growing cities, electric vehicles might be an opportunity to reduce traffic and pollution — and to become more environmental friendly. The growing offer of transportation will change how consumers think about existing options to get from A to B. The value of owning a car might change, as do the requirements regarding the type of vehicles.

Today, every provider has his own service and mobile app to provide access to their transportation offerings. As cities also need to develop new infrastructures, these developments might grow together in the future.

E-bike and e-scooter on a sidewalk.

Electric cars change the customer experience dramatically.

Electric cars are the future bet of the automotive industry. Every manufacturer has them in the portfolio. Electric cars are, however, not suiting every driver. The infrastructure is not yet fully developed, access to charging stations is not equally given.

To deliver a great customer experience with electric cars, many details need to be considered. For example, how to get the best reach with an electric car? Or how is the battery status influencing navigation? Which information should be displayed in which form to the driver?In our projects we identified various opportunities to improve the experiences new car owners are currently having.

Woman loading her car.

Today’s car's ecosystem

The digital experience has become an important differentiator in the automotive market. Today's cars are complemented by numerous digital services an owner can connect to from the car, via the web, or using a smartphone. These services are built to offer added value and to elevate the customer experience.

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Woman driving a Tesla operates the display.

Autonomous driving

Autonomous driving is a vivid field of high interest for current R&D investments — the five levels of driving automation range from driver assistance all the way to fully automated driving, whether for public shuttles or driverless transport of goods.

A genuinely driverless scenario not only requires significant improvements in data processing by vehicle sensors, it also raises new ethical questions for (automated) decision-making in an emergency situation. We are exploring these questions and what is necessary for humans to feel comfortable letting go of control. We conduct large-scale scientific research projects with industry-leading experts and universities.

Ergosign research van on autonomous driving.

Our projects