We developed a new website with an intuitive meta portal for energy service provider MAINGAU Energie. From frontend to backend, including account and identity management, everything was rebuilt from scratch using innovative methods. The new visual design has been derived from the MAINGAU Energie brand values and precisely reflects the identity as an innovative and flexible service provider.
Digital Experience Platform for MAINGAU Energie

A Meta-Portal for MAINGAU Energie.
ChallengeCompelling Look and Feel for complex Services
The challenge of the project was to transfer the various complex services, accounts, and logins into a uniform system to simplify account management for customers and make their experience seamless. The project's aim was a new, elegant, uniform Look & Feel and a customer experience that leaves nothing to be desired.
ApproachWorkshops, sprint sessions and more
Our team worked agile, in constant close coordination both internally, interdisciplinary, and across locations as well as externally with the customer. Workshops, project management syncs, and sprint dates resulted in four main influences for our solution: New digital design language, Headless CMS, Serverless hosting, Identity & Account Management.
When drafting the service design, we first carried out ideation, roadmap workshops, and detailed competitor analysis. Based on this, we defined the design system and iteratively developed an MVP. The end product is state-of-the-art and tailored to the user.
Content Management SystemHeadless CMS?
"Headless" means that the "head" (the front end, i.e., the website) is separate from the "body" (the back end). A headless CMS has an interface for managing content and uses an API that makes content available exactly where needed. Dynamic content can thus be effectively published on different platforms, devices, and technologies, as well as iOS apps and Android apps. With increased flexibility and scalability, a headless CMS was the perfect solution for MAINGAU Energie to display and manage complex and individual content in an elegant and modern way. The tool of choice for MAINGAU Energie's scope was Scrivito by Just Relate.
Anwendungen in der CloudServerless hosting?
Serverless means developers can build and run applications in the cloud without having to manage servers. The cloud provider takes over the routine work of the server infrastructure. Serverless apps react flexibly to demand and automatically scale up and down as needed. In addition, a serverless application costs nothing when it is idle. Because this technology is very secure but also scalable and resilient, it is particularly well suited for a service provider that offers services and products in various areas throughout Europe.
Amazon CognitoIdentity and Account Management with AWS
We worked with Amazon Cognito in this case and loved how quick and easy it was to add user sign-in and access control. This system can be scaled to millions of users. Login is supported with multi-factor authentication, encrypting data at rest and in transit. (It provides secure identity storage and is HIPAA-enabled, PCI DSS, SOC, ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27017, ISO/IEC 27018, and ISO 9001 compliant.) This enabled us to combine the previously necessary multiple accounts of the individual users into one account.
ErgebnisExcellent Customer Experience as a guarantuee of success
The customer experience has improved significantly, thanks to our innovative and collaborative way of working. Because instead of using a separate login with a different password for each MAINGAU Energie service, customers now only log in with their e-mail address and a general password. Customers can access all contracts and services with just one login. The finished meta portal is not only secure but also flexible, easily scalable, and content can be iteratively tailored to the customer. We appreciated the constant dialogue with MAINGAU Energie and are very proud of the end product.kt.
View the Maingau meta portal now.
About the clientMAINGAU Energie
MAINGAU Energie has the mentality of a start-up but also more than 110 years of experience in the energy business. Initially founded in 1907 as the Obertshausen Gas Supply Association (GVVO), MAINGAU Energie has continued to develop to this day. Customers are offered more than "just" gas and electricity. There is the MAINGAU Energie shop, car power, DSL and telephone, mobile communications, regional car-sharing, and the expansion of charging infrastructure. The brand values are "simple, competent, and inexpensive," similarly, the approximately 200 employees take care of around half a million customers quickly, competently, and unbureaucratically.