Ergosign webinar | 18. April 2024Digital accessibility - more than just legal requirements

Illustration eines Meetings mit 3 Figuren an einem Tisch.

Improve digital accessibility for products and services to reach new target audiences

Join the webinar "digital accessibility - beyond legal requirements" to understand the foundation for successful, accessible design. Discover how it not only meets legal requirements but also brings various benefits to users and organizations.

In our interactive webinar, we'll illustrate the importance of digital accessibility through tangible examples and discuss its significance for society, extending beyond mere legal requirements.

The webinar will be in German, 18. April 2024, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Key takeaways

  • Appreciate accessibility as an opportunity instead of a chore.

  • Learn how accessibility improves Usability and facilitates digital participation.

  • Overview of legal requirements and recommended measures.

  • Advantages for users and businesses.

  • Identify new target audiences and enhance market potential.

Zwei Frauen sind gemeinsam vor dem Laptop und besprechen eine Online-Präsentation. Eine der beiden Frauen trägt eine Armprothese.

Who is the webinar interesting for?

Our webinar is relevant for businesses of all sizes. It is particularly suitable for marketers, diversity officers, UX professionals, developers, product owners, and CEOs from various industries such as B2C, B2B SaaS solutions, online shops, public institutions, and anyone dealing with standards like BITV, BFSGV, WCAG, EAA.

Two women collaboratively editing a document on a laptop.